How To Put Together a Baby Gift Basket

giraffe themed gift box for baby girls with outfit, stuffed animal, swaddle and teether

At Peanut and Posie, we love celebrating growing families and little ones making their way into the world. As expecting parents embark on their new journey, we shower them with love, gifts, support, and if we’re being honest…coffee! Whether you are in need of the perfect baby shower gift basket or are putting together a welcome home gift, we can help you find a gift that is sweet and thoughtful. Here are five steps on how to put together a baby gift basket.

Step 1: Something to Wear

flatlay of baby girl gift with romper, muslin swaddle, giraffe stuffed animal and wooden teether
The Savanna Box

Start with an adorable outfit that will serve as the anchor piece of your gift. All of the other items in your gift set should complement your anchor either by theme or color. In this gift box, we chose this unique romper that reminded us of a giraffe, so we decided to go with an African Savanna theme.

Step 2: Something Cuddly

Mary Meyer putty giraffe stuffed animal with baby and wooden teething toy

Add in something soft and cuddly, like a stuffed animal, security blanket, or lovey that baby will love and cherish.

Step 3: Something Practical

baby girl tummy time on aden and anais muslin swaddle with mary meyer puttling giraffe stuffed animal

As much as we love the adorable outfits, it’s important to include something practical and useful. Swaddles are great because they can serve so many functions beyond just swaddling newborns, and parents can use them over and over again. Swaddles are great for tummy time, wiping spit up, or to use as a stroller cover.

Step 4: Something to Grow With

handmade wooden teether in giraffe shape by Smiling Tree Toys

Add something to grow with, so something that baby may not need right away, but will become useful as they grow. We love to include teething toys that babies can use to soothe their gums as their teeth start to come in.

Step 5: Handwritten Card

flatlay of handwritten card designs included in Peanut and Posie baby gift box

Lastly, don’t forget to include a thoughtful card congratulating the new parents and wishing them well. A handwritten card gives it that extra personal touch. You can also opt for your favorite children’s book and write a little note inside the cover as well.

Of course, you don’t have to include all of these items in your gift. But this is a great place to start when figuring out how to put together your baby gift basket.

Want something already curated for you? No worries! Peanut & Posie has taken the guess work out of gifting and we have a wide variety of expertly designed gift boxes for babies! Wander our shop and browse our collection of ready-to-ship baby gift sets, just in time for your next baby shower!

For more baby gift inspiration, follow us on Instagram and Pinterest!

Happy gifting!

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